The Inclusive Company

Collective of Strategic Accessibility & Inclusivity Experts

Modern mom holding a baby and using phone

Why accessibility is important for an organisation:

1. Reach a larger audience:

By designing products, services, and websites with accessibility in mind, companies can reach a larger audience, including people with disabilities who may have previously been excluded from using their products or services.

2. Compliance with laws and regulations:

Many countries have laws and regulations that require companies to make their products and services accessible to people with disabilities. Failure to comply with these laws and regulations can result in legal penalties and a damaged reputation.

3. Better user experience:

By making products and services more accessible, companies can create a better user experience for everyone, not just people with disabilities. For example, captions on videos can also be useful for people who speak a different language or are in a noisy environment.

4. Improved brand image:

By prioritizing accessibility, companies can demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusivity, which can improve their brand image and reputation.

5. Ethical responsibility:

Companies have an ethical responsibility to ensure that their products and services are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. By prioritizing accessibility, companies can fulfill this responsibility and contribute to a more inclusive society.

our services

Each organisation is unique, with its own business culture, objectives and challenges. We however came to the understanding that when it comes to accessibility, there are needs that overlap and with the limited international accessibility experts available, a great desire to obtain such professionals in-house without overstretching hiring budget.

With this in mind, we created a straight forward offering of services, that provide a clear expectation on deliverables and allow you to have top-level accessibility experts as part of your in-house team.

Tailored services are of course available and we are more than happy to evaluate your specific situation.

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You will work with international professionals that have worked on accessibility for Fortune 500 organisations

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In-house expertise:

Our team can be an integrale part of your in-house team, to provide ad-hoc support and transfer knowledge to build internal accessibility capability

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We open up our network to provide you with the required resources for each specific project, from user research to headhunters. Equally you will become part of our


For the organisation that has identified the desire to work on accessibility and wishes to engage the wider organisation, to create momentum and build foundational knowledge.

The end result of this package will be alignment from top to bottom, a sufficient understanding of accessibility in connection to your organisation.


  • Workshops
  • Company wide presentation


Here we take a deeper look into your organisation and level of accessibility maturity. To help you prioritise, identify quick wins and long term objectives in a tailored roadmap.

This will insure you have an open and honest understanding of the current barriers in your main user journey and business operation.


  • Audit report of current user journey
  • Report on brand components
  • Report on legal risks
  • Business analysis
  • Accessibility roadmap


Is your organisation actively integrating accessibility into new features, while working to decrease technical debt and in need for ad-hoc specialist support? We can come in, as part of your team, to provide tailored support from both a technical as management perspective.

To help you deliver accessible user journeys, that provide the best possible user experience, while building internal capability.


  • Dedicated Senior Accessibility Principal for 8 hours per week
  • Strategic Project Manager, for 6 hours a week, overseeing the process and alignment with stakeholders


An international team of inclusivity strategists with a corporate trackrecord


Stakeholder Session

  • What is accessibility
  • Business relevance (legal/market share etc.)
  • Opportunities & objectives


  • Non-comprehensive accessibility web scan
    • +/- 5 to 10 pages
  • Result report with plan of action

Company wide session

  • Lunch & Lunch
    • What is accessibility
    • Impact (mastery/skill development/empathy)

Executive sessions

  • Frontend Developer Fundamentals
  • Design Fundamentals
  • Marketing/Branding/Communication Fundamentals
  • Content Fundamentals
  • Manager Fundamentals
    • Prioritization

€ 14,800/-



  • Audit of main user journey web & mobile
  • Core brand components review
  • Result presentation with short & long term action plan

Accessibility Business Analysis

  • SWOT
  • GAP
  • Market analysis
  • Risk Assessment
  • Competitive set


  • Tailored roadmap for accessibility roll out with your organisation
  • Stakeholder walkthrough session

€ 26,900/-



  • 8 hours per week a accessibility principle available as part of your team, available for (not limited to);
    • Auditing
    • Reviews
    • Training & clinics
    • Content writing

Project Management

  • 6 hours per week a senior PM specialised in accessibility, to assist with (not limited to):
    • Project planning
    • Budgetting
    • Stakeholder engagement
    • Champion network
    • Reporting

€ 9,100 per month/-

Down-Syndrome Man Attending Education Class in Community Center.

Part-time accessibility experts

as part of your team

Find out more

Indian women using laptop at home

Inclusivity vs. Accessibility

Accessibility focuses on removing barriers and making sure that people with disabilities can access and use the same products, services as everyone else.

Inclusivity, on the other hand, is a broader concept that refers to creating experiences where everyone feels welcome and valued, regardless of their differences. Inclusivity goes beyond accessibility and also includes considerations like diversity, equity, and belonging.

An inclusive environment is one where people with disabilities are not just able to access and use products and services, but where they also feel like they belong and are valued.




contact us

+31 (0)6 8337 1920

Designing the inclusive

businesses of tomorrow.

Frequently asked questions

Which markets do you operate in?

Our professionals are physically based in the Netherlands, Italy and Belgium. We currently operate remote in Europe and the U.S.A.

Can I set up an exploration meeting?

We offer a free initial consultation to new clients, to better understand their needs and explain our services. Simply email us to book your session.

Do you have profiles of the team members?

Certainly, as a collective of accessibility professionals we strive to allocate the right expert to each specific project. Once we have received your company details we provide you with all required details on the allocated team.